Fischer Furs is THE ONE STOP SHOP for anything to do with Fur and leather maintenance.

With 114 years of experience passed on through three generations of our company , confidently offer very specialised services to meet all our clients fur and leather maintenance requests.

From cleaning to repairs, to alterations done expertly in house , to restyling that “old has been” fur garment to a stunning upbeat “with the times” style no matter what your style preferences may be.

And for the customer who wants that extra service on top, Fischer Furs offers storage of Fur and leather garments, where your garments will be professionally kept at your convenience and maintained until you need them next.


At Fischer Furs you will enter a whole new world, open to the largest range of restyling options imaginable. Up-to-date on the latest trends and fur styling techniques, so with a clear understanding of the client needs, we can re-style an old outdated fur garment into something to suit your styling preferences or advise on what’s new or better for you.

Old furs can also be redesigned and restyled into anything to suit house and home, like throws,cushions,curtains …….the possibilities are very vast.

Furs are a valuable and recyclable resource ….. use them.


Fischer Furs would carry out the traditional hand cleaning and treating methods of cleaning Fur and leather combined with modern methods. Simply because it’s a tried and tested method that works for your garments. These are not simply treated as a number in a system but attended to individually by hand of a highly trained artisan.

Cleaning and treatment is VITAL to maintain against: Any types of lurking moisture such as damp cupboards, coastal or inland moisture, excess dryness, moth types, Dirt and dust

If you have not cleaned your fur or oiled your leather items on an annual basis and if you notice ANY hair fall from your fur garment. DON’T IGNORE THIS.

Call or email us for a FREE NO OBLIGATION assessment at our store.

Alternatively, we can make arrangements to visit you anywhere in the world.(*at additional costs) , to establish concept design to the final hand over of whatever the work may entail.


Although storage is on offer to you, it is not vital. It is a convenient option for those who want to avoid clutter. By storing your fur garments, you create cupboard space when winter garments are not in use and you can of course become forgetful of maintenance. Which is why we offer storage and simultaneous maintenance of your furs. All the client needs to do is call us a day in advance if they wish to collect, or if they require delivery.


No need anymore for the discerning Fur buyer to have to buy online,not knowing exactly what you might receive.

We don’t have to offer 14-day money-back guarantees or make the layman take their own measurements before purchasing a fur garment.

Fischer Furs offers you a service of the highest. Robert Fischer in person will come to you almost anywhere in the world and offer you a service at your address to discuss and design your dream piece,maintenance requirements,assessments or any other service required regarding fur (*This service is chargeable and calculated on request.}

 How much better can it get, your very own, personalised service by one of the best specialist Furrier teams in the world,absolute top quality Pelz selection,a dream fur garment made bespoke to your exact measurements,knowing exactly what you getting from the start and all meetings and deliveries done in person by Robert Fischer himself at your address.


8 + 11 =


Shop 09 The Firs Shopping Center
(Entrance in Biermann Avenune)